Metals Unveiled - 18K Yellow Gold


18K yellow gold, a symbol of friendship, finesse and brilliance, is used by Poinçon 22 for the majority of its jewellery creations. A precious metal with a colour that lasts for years without going out of fashion. Yellow gold shines on the skin and illuminates your outfits, we tell you more about this jewellery essential.


Pure 24-carat gold has been used since prehistoric times, and has reigned since the dawn of time. It's the second metal discovered by man, but the first to be elevated to the status of favorite. Although man has been mining it for over 6,000 years, this noble metal is thought to have been formed four and a half billion years ago. Pure gold, so precious on Earth, actually comes from very far away. It came from the stars, from a cosmic catastrophe to be precise. The mystery still lies between two possibilities: the explosion of a supernova or the collision of two stars. Perhaps this is what gives gold its charm: its brilliance comes from the stars, its rarity arouses our envy and its solidity feeds its myth. It's thanks to this last point, its very nature, that the history of this indestructible metal can be precisely traced. Gold in its purest form remains intact whether buried or submerged, even for 2,000 years.

As soon as it was discovered in prehistoric times, pure gold came to the fore. Gold was geologically dispersed, and was found in every corner of the globe. And most of those who discovered it were amazed. Associated with power, beauty and the cultural elite, gold plays a key role in pomp and religious worship. In the Chinese empire, it symbolized the Sun, perfection and light. For the Greeks, it also represented warmth and fertility. In ancient Egypt, pure gold was used to magnify pharaohs, with amulets, scepters and masks, and to decorate temples.

Over the years, gold has been used in coins and bars. It has been envied, sought after and triggered population movements, the American gold rush being just one example. Today, gold has not been used as a currency for more than 40 years, but it has retained strong meanings. At once a symbol of wealth, performance, beauty and brilliance, gold continues to make us shine.

Pépite d'or ©Orbel

Pépite d'or ©Orbel

Hieroglyphics Giza pyramid

Hieroglyphics Giza pyramid


Pure gold, the metal par excellence of jewelry, cannot be used in its natural form. Indeed, this metal, composed of a single chemical element "Au", is malleable, contrary to popular belief. Too soft to be worked in jewelry.

To bring strength to this precious metal, 24K gold (pure), is associated with other metals. The most common alloy in jewelry that is both strong and easily worked, while retaining the color of pure gold and its brilliance, is18 yellow gold carats. It is also called 750th gold, representing the percentage of pure gold in the alloy (75%), which is combined with 12.5% copper and 12.5% silver, another precious metal. This alloy, the yellow gold 18 carats, is the only one to be naturally yellow and solid, a metal of choice for jewelry houses. Indeed, this association is the most appropriate for the shaping of jewels and the setting of precious and fine stones.


To recognize a jewel in 18K gold, a gold stamp is affixed to the jewel. It is from this hallmark that the creator was inspired for the name of Poinçon 22. What is a hallmark on a gold jewel? It is a mark applied by the manufacturer or the importer on the jewel, which allows to know the manufacturer and the purity of the metal. It is a guarantee to avoid counterfeiting.

Hallmarks have been around since Roman times. Over time, the number and shapes have changed, but the hallmark is still a jewelry must-have as a guarantee. In France, there have been over 5,000 different hallmarks since the Middle Ages.

Extract from Garantie des métaux précieux ©

Extract from Garantie des métaux précieux ©

There are three types of punch:

  • The title hallmark, used to guarantee the quality of the metal used, which is different for gold and silver. Three hallmarks exist for gold: 24K gold is represented by a seahorse, 22K gold by a first-title eagle's head and 18K gold by a third-title eagle's head.

  • The guarantee hallmark, which has the same function as the title hallmark, but is more precise. It is used when the alloy has a more certain composition. A minimum of one of these two hallmarks is required on a piece for it to be guaranteed. At Poinçon 22 our jewelers symbolize the 18K gold with this guarantee hallmark by affixing a 750 on the yellow gold, rose gold or white gold jewel.

  • These punches must be accompanied by the punch of master, it is that of the manufacturer who allows to identify it. A diamond with its initials and its symbol. At Poinçon 22, each piece of jewelry is stamped with the logo of the P 22 house.

It is the combination of a title or guarantee hallmark with a master hallmark that is necessary to guarantee your gold jewelry. Poinçon 22 's partner jewelers take care to affix these two hallmarks to each of your pieces. If you'd like to find out more about jewellery craftsmanship, click here!