Diamond certificate of authenticity


Diamonds have always been, and still are, the most sought-after gemstone in the world . The luminous stone has the advantage of being extremely solid and resistant over time. It's also a jewel with a strong symbolism that you wear when it's set with a diamond, because it's the stone of eternal love. As the king of precious and fine stones, diamonds are subject to numerous regulations and can be certified by several organizations to assess their quality.


The GIA (Gemological Institute of America) is the reference in the diamond industry. The institute, whose authority spans the globe, was the world's leading authority on gemology. Its objectives are manifold. Firstly, the GIA has a duty to protect diamonds and precious stones, and also to communicate and educate on the subject of diamond buying.

The GIA diamond grading system is based on the 4Cs. To certify a diamond, it must be sent to the organization, which returns it in an envelope with the certificate number laser-engraved on the rondiste. The analysis of the stone is carried out by a minimum of 4 highly qualified and experienced gemologists who ensure the quality of the grading process.


The Hoge Raad voor Diamant or "High Council for Diamonds" laboratory is the European leader in diamond industry expertise, equipment and training. The HRD monitors the imports and exports of more than half the world's diamond supply. 

Several HRD-signed certificates exist, based on standards accepted and recognized worldwide. These diamond certifications attest to the quality of the stone and that it has not been treated. Quality control is strict and cannot be falsified. Analysis results are guaranteed by a double anonymous coding system.


The IGI (International Gemological Insitute) is the world's largest independent gemological laboratory. It was the first organization to seal diamonds for protection.

IGI certification attests to the quality of a diamond based on its characteristics: weight, clarity, color, proportions, symmetry, polish, etc. A diamond report is issued, setting out the diamond's 4Cs in a diagram, together with a diamond identifier, which is a document presenting the diamond's information without the diagram. The IGI Hearts and Arrows report evaluates the diamond's optical symmetry.


The American Gem Society is a non-profit organization whose primary goal is to protect diamonds and the public from fraud and misleading advertising when purchasing diamonds.

The certification system is simple and intuitive, so that everyone can understand it. The system operates on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the highest and 10 the lowest. Diamonds are graded from 0 to 10 according to the 4Cs in the following order: cut, color, clarity and carat. For example, a diamond with no color, no inclusions, a perfect cut and weighing 1 carat is valued at 0/0/0-1,000.